This mountain is not only a beautiful place to visit that also offers so many activities from skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing to festivals, live music, biking, hiking, and so much more. Bellayer is only a 15 minute drive from Hanah.
181 Galli Curci Road
PO Box 313
Highmount, NY 12441.
Hunter mountain is also a 45 minute drive just in a diff erent direction. They off er many activities and things to do, one of the bug things being skiing and snowboarding.
64 Klein Avenue
Hunter, NY 12442.
Twenty minutes away we have another gorgeous mountain that offers skiing, snowboarding, tubing, snow shoeing, live music and many events.
69 Plattekill Road
Roxbury, NY 12474
If you are looking to go on a further adventure you should check out windham mountain. Windham is about 45 minutes away and off ers many activities.
19 Resort Drive
Windham, NY 12496